Romspen Mortgage
Investment Fund

Steady performance
in an unsteady

Steady Performance
in an unsteady

Steady performance
in an unsteady

in an unsteady

in an unsteady

Romspen is one of Canada’s largest non-bank commercial mortgage lenders. The Romspen Mortgage Investment Fund is focused on capital preservation, strong absolute long term returns and performance consistency.

Romspen is one of Canada’s largest non-bank commercial mortgage lenders. The Fund is focused on capital preservation, strong absolute long term returns and performance consistency.

Romspen is one of Canada’s largest non-bank commercial mortgage lenders. The Fund is focused on capital preservation, strong absolute long term returns and performance consistency.

Romspen is one of Canada’s largest non-bank commercial mortgage lenders. The Fund is focused on capital preservation, strong absolute long term returns and performance consistency.

Romspen is one of Canada’s largest non-bank commercial mortgage lenders. The Fund is focused on capital preservation, strong absolute long term returns and performance consistency.

Assignments Strategic Brand Planning, Creative and Design Development

Assignments Strategic Brand Planning, Creative and Design Development

Assignments Strategic Brand Planning, Creative and Design Development

Assignments Strategic Brand Planning, Creative and Design Development

Assignments Strategic Brand Planning, Creative and Design Development


Brand Video :60  'It's Not Magic'

Brand Video :90  'Unrivaled Performance'

 BNN TV :15  'We Build Wealth'

BNN TV :15. 'Commercial Real Estate'

Brand Advertising Campaign
Brand Advertising Campaign
Brand Advertising Campaign

Romspen Investment Corporation

Steady performance
in an unsteady

Steady Performance
in an unsteady

Steady performance
in an unsteady

in an unsteady

in an unsteady

Through its funds, Romspen Investment Corporation is the lender of choice for sponsors of North American real estate projects seeking short to medium-term real estate financing. Where banks and other traditional institutional lenders look for ways to say ‘no’, RIC consistently work towards saying ‘yes’.

Through its funds, Romspen Investment Corporation is the lender of choice for sponsors of North American real estate projects seeking short to medium-term real estate financing. Where banks and other traditional institutional lenders look for ways to say ‘no’, RIC consistently work towards saying ‘yes’.

Through its funds, Romspen Investment Corporation is the lender of choice for sponsors of North American real estate projects seeking short to medium-term real estate financing. Where banks and other traditional institutional lenders look for ways to say ‘no’, RIC consistently work towards saying ‘yes’.

Through its funds, Romspen Investment Corporation is the lender of choice for sponsors of North American real estate projects seeking short to medium-term real estate financing. Where banks and other traditional institutional lenders look for ways to say ‘no’, RIC consistently work towards saying ‘yes’.

Through its funds, Romspen Investment Corporation is the lender of choice for sponsors of North American real estate projects seeking short to medium-term real estate financing. Where banks and other traditional institutional lenders look for ways to say ‘no’, RIC consistently work towards saying ‘yes’.

Assignments Strategic Brand Planning, Creative and Design Development

Assignments Strategic Brand Planning, Creative and Design Development

Assignments Strategic Brand Planning, Creative and Design Development

Assignments Strategic Brand Planning, Creative and Design Development

Assignments Strategic Brand Planning, Creative and Design Development


© Bensimon Partners 2023

© Bensimon Partners 2019

© Bensimon Partners 2023

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